This is best app for Preparation of GK for Railway Exams. This app covers all the GK topics for Railway exams conducted by RRB. Railway Recruitment Board conducts all the railway exams in India and GK is the most imp topic in that exams.
This app covers General Knowledge for Railway exams like:
-- Railway ALP GK
-- Railway Group D GK
-- Railway NTPC GK
-- Railway ASM GK
-- Railway 2018 GK
GK in this app:
-- General Knowledge - 169 Topics
-- GK Notes - 174 Notes
-- First in India - 9 Topics
-- General Science - 25 Chapters
-- Geography - 15 Chapters
-- History - 50 Items
-- Sports - 8 Topics
-- Books and Authors - 37 Items
-- Computer - 10 Chapters
-- English Vocabulary - Imp Vocab list
GK Practice Paper given in this app are:
-- General Knowledge I - 70 Practice Sets
-- General Knowledge II - 32 Practice Sets
-- General Knowledge III - 41 Practice Sets
-- GK India I - 22 Practice Sets
-- GK India II - 9 Practice Sets
-- General Science I - 6 Practice Sets
-- General Science II - 7 Practice Sets
-- English Test - 20 Practice Sets
-- Computer Knowledge - 12 Practice Sets
All the best for Exam.
Dies ist am besten App für Herstellung von GK für Eisenbahn-Prüfungen. Diese App deckt alle GK Themen für Bahnprüfungen von RRB durchgeführt. Railway Recruitment Vorstand leitet alle Bahnprüfungen in Indien und GK ist das imp Thema, dass Prüfungen.
Diese App deckt Allgemeinwissen für Bahn Prüfungen wie:
- Bahn ALP GK
- Bahngruppe D GK
- Bahn NTPC GK
- Bahn ASM GK
- Bahn 2018 GK
GK in diese App:
- Allgemeinwissen - 169 Themen
- GK Notizen - 174 Hinweise
- Erste in Indien - 9 Themen
- General Science - 25 Kapitel
- Geographie - 15 Kapitel
- Geschichte - 50 Artikel
- Sport - 8 Themen
- Bücher und Autoren - 37 Artikel
- Computer - 10 Kapitel
- English Vocabulary - Imp Vocab Liste
GK Praxis Papier in dieser App gegeben ist:
- Allgemeinwissen I - 70 Praxis-Sets
- Allgemeinwissen II - 32 Praxis-Sets
- Allgemeinwissen III - 41 Praxis-Sets
- GK Indien I - 22 Praxis-Sets
- GK Indien II - 9 Praxis Sets
- General Science I - 6 Praxis Sets
- General Science II - 7 Übungs Sets
- English Test - 20 Übungs Sets
- Computerwissen - 12 Praxis-Sets
Alles Gute für die Prüfung an.